
Between the Fundamentalist and the Atheist…is me, and those like me.

I consider myself to be a heretic with agnostic tendencies and a seeker of deeper truth. This blog is a journal of my thoughts, questions and revelations while on the journey to know a deeper understanding and higher truth of God. It is a means to understand what is relevant to my own perspective, what I find true and meaningful in spirituality and a chronicle of my revelations, discoveries, and changing perspective.

For quite some time, even before I separated myself from the flock, I have known that there was a deeper wisdom in spirituality than what was being taught by the church. My view is that each of us in our search for God must take an individual journey to find the greater truth. My path is not the path of organized religion, but if that is your path, then I wish you peace and well-being upon it. I have no desire to cast stones at religious differences. Nor do I wish to diminish anyone’s faith or personal belief. If anything, I would wish for you to travel your own path and through your own prayers, meditations and self-search to find the reality of God and the spirit of love, acceptance and understanding.

What I Believe

Some may wonder if I am an agnostic heretic why I have spiritual beliefs at all. I am heretic in that I do not subscribe to dogma. I am an agnostic in that I have doubts which must be addressed and resolved. I am a believer in that I have had personal experiences, unexplained personal phenomena that I alone know the truth of which are prohibitive for me in saying that God does not exist. Something does exist and I call that something God.

On God

I believe that there is one Supreme Being, the highest realm of infinite consciousness, which is the creator or source of all that is known and unknown.

On The Bible and Ancient Texts

I believe that the word of God is written within the heart of man. Although I believe that biblical scripture provides revelation from God, I am not an inerrantist and do not hold the belief that the bible in its current canonization and adaptations is the breathed, infallible word of God. I believe that the bible is divinely inspired, but that the inspiration was not given to the writer to create unquestionable dictation, but rather that divine inspiration is given to the individual reader who is seeking to know the will of God. The revelation of scripture is given to each individual in accordance with each need.  Therefore, I believe that all ancient texts, and even words written today by those who are seeking truth and guidance with pure heart can be the scripture which is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.

On Doctrine and Dogma

I believe interpretation of biblical scripture which is perceived as infallible understanding is the cause of distraction and disharmony which results in anger and contempt, even hatred, toward others. It creates direct violation of God’s commandments to love one another and to judge not. There is no greater means to cause failure of faith than commentary outside of God’s universal laws, which is simply to seek the creator and live in harmony with others. I believe satisfaction with dogma causes us to stall upon our spiritual journey, allowing us to become content with partial knowledge and agreeable to discontinue the continuous search for God’s hidden truth and divine will.

On the Belief of Others

I believe that all souls travel upon a journey back to the Creator. This journey is one of many stations and stages of knowledge. I do not diminish the stations or beliefs of others and adhere to the ideology that faith is a private relationship between the individual soul and God, of which I, nor anyone else, has invitation to intercede.

Live…and let live.

12 thoughts on “About

  1. I noticed you liked one of my blog posts, so I followed back and found your blog. I must say that I am on a similar journey myself. I was a conservative Christian and a dogmatist for the past 10-11 years of my life. I would argue for the infallibility of scripture and the purity of doctrine; sometimes in an irenic manner, sometimes not. After the death of my mother about a month ago, I began re-thinking many of my previously held dogmatic beliefs; to borrow a phrase of Immanuel Kant’s, my mother’s death “awoke me from my dogmatic slumber.” So far my journey is leading me to believe that the bible is no longer the infallible, inerrant word of God; though, like you, I see great ‘inspiration’ in the bible. I like your description of your spiritual journey, and I would probably say that I see things very similarly right now. I would now classify myself as a Deist as opposed to a Christian (maybe a Christian Deist if push came to shove). I believe that God is ‘infallibly’ revealed in the creation before us and in the moral and spiritual sense of man. Aside from that, I would not hold to any religious dogmatic claims uncritically.

    Thanks for your blog and keep on in the search for truth!

    • My sincere condolences for the loss of your mother.
      Thank you for reading and for your comment. I am discovering that there are many more like us who are rethinking dogmatic beliefs; some call it voices in the wilderness, others call it the awakening, and others call it an unveiling, but we all seem to be sensing that there is something greater to understand. I agree with your belief that God is infallibly revealed in the creation before us and in the moral and spiritual sense of man.

      • Oh wow! I love everything you just said! That is exactly what I’m feeling… I have only recently been questioning the infallibility of the Bible, but to me it seems like things that make me question that I can’t just explain away are constantly being put in my path. Your blog is fantastic.

  2. Thanks for visiting and “liking” one of my blog posts. I suppose we’re both unconventional, but traveling along different paths. I actually do see the value of having a community since too much isolation makes it too easy to confuse the various thoughts and feelings we have with a “spiritual revelation.” We human beings have a great ability to fool ourselves. On the other hand, allowing the community to too tightly define our spiritual reality locks out the individual relationship between the person and God (however you choose to conceptualize God). As long as we live in an imperfect world and we’re imperfect beings, the “interfaces” (which is how I tend to think of religion or at least theologies within religion) we use to connect to God will be equally imperfect. All we can do is be authentic with God within whatever context we choose to relate to Him, and open our hearts to each other. The rest will follow.

    • Thank you! I think if we, as believers and nonbelievers, live our lives as humantists first our spiritual inclinations are just a side note to the whole, and our commonality will be much greater than our differences.

  3. I like your mantra “live and let live”…it is at the top of my list also. I believe it is important that every person seek their own truth and path to enlightenment. Thanks for your thoughtful post. And thanks for following my blog.

  4. I just wanted to express to you that the words you wrote on this page are very and eerily identical to what I’ve felt over the last few years. I have been on a real spiritual journey and tonight, as I sat and thought, I typed “unconventional Christian” into Google and your blog was there.

    I’ve clung to the title of Christian, though I share very little with them in terms of their doctrine. But growing up mostly fundamentalist (although not very traditional) made me afraid of my own intellect. It may sound silly, but I’ve also been afraid if not knowing with what to label myself, since I strongly believe in God and have not been able to deny my spiritual experiences, yet feeling more and more distant from conventional Christian thought .

    Anyway, thanks for writing this. I’ve really enjoyed your blog, and I’m being evermore inspired to embark out on my own.

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